Hidden Wisdom had its beginning in 1991 as a homeschool project done by Abigail M. Paul. Then entitled "Abigail's Amazing Articles" and consisting of 8 roughly-constructed pages, it was printed annually until the spring of 1995. It was then that Abigail, by then nearly 15, felt called to increase publication to six times a year. Reader's response was encouraging, but progress was slow at first, and there were few subscribers.
By the fall of 1996, 30 people were receiving "AAA" and it was clearly time for a new title. After much prayer and searching, Hidden Wisdom was decided on, with Colossians 2:2-3 as the goal to aim for.
In the spring of 1997, the entire format was changed from 8 full-sized pages to 16 half-pages in a booklet format. That's when things really started getting exciting! By the fall of 1997, there were nearly 70 subscribers, issues were thematic, and the Lord enabled HW to enlarge to 36 pages with the January-February 1998 issue. The issues have been 40 pages for quite a while now, starting with the January-February 1999 issue. Several issues have been expanded to 44 pages, as the Lord abundantly supplied excellent articles.
Now, having passed its eighth anniversary, HW has over 240 subscribers and is continuing to grow. It has been a very exciting journey, and God only knows what will happen in the coming years! To Him alone be the glory!
Behind the scenes:
Read about our system for organizing HW's records -- click here!
--Last updated in the summer of 2003

About the editress:
My full name is Abigail Miriam Paul, and I am currently 23 years old (born July 19, 1980). Some of my favorite activities are reading, writing, doing all sorts of crafts and handwork (especially scrapbooking, tatting, and knitting), playing the piano and banjo, listening to music, traveling (especially by train!), graphic design, learning more about all sorts of things (especially ancient history, genealogy, layout and design, and HTML), and, of course, editing HW!
I have been a born-again Christian since 1990, and don't know where I'd be today without the Lord! (Click here to read my testimony of salvation.) We are not a part of any denomination, but have meetings here at home and desire to serve the Lord the best way we know how.
I am the oldest of 6 children; we have always homeschooled, and I finished highschool in the spring of 1997. Since then, I have continued to stay very busy around home. I took a correspondence course on herbal home remedies in 1998 and 1999, and have done much independent study on other subjects that interest me. In April of 2000 my family joined the Advanced Training Institute, and their curriculum has been a real blessing. I am helping, and doing much of the school work with the others -- I've enjoyed it, and am really learning a lot!
We live on a 160-acre organic farm in central Iowa. From the variety of grains that we raise, we grind flour and cereals to sell to customers all over the country. Besides selling all over the US via our website, we go to quite a few shows and farmer's markets each year to sell our products. We also have a large garden each summer, and many animals.
Despite all these things that keep us busy, my family is always so thoughtful to make sure I have time to meet deadlines with HW. They're a great help with the copying, collating, stapling, etc, not to mention all the typos that Mother and the others catch! :-) I'm so grateful for the family the Lord has given me!
Visit my personal website to learn more about me!

The Paul family, March '04: Joseph (17), Abigail (23), Daniel (11),
Steve, Rachel (8), Teresa, Lydia (14), Susanna (20)