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God has prompted readers to submit so many wonderful articles to HW! Many times we aren't able to include all the submissions in the printed issue -- unless the authors have specified otherwise, we put these "extras" online where they can be a blessing and encouragement to a wider audience. Be sure to check back again: more articles are usually added with every issue.

If you are an editor and would like to print one of these articles in your own publication, please contact us. We often allow reprinting, and would be glad to talk about it. Thank you!

A thought-provoking article on one's reaction to trials, from Vol. 52

A Life Changed!
by Jolea J., from Vol. 14

A Living Gospel Tract
by Brandy C, from Vol. 75

"All Things Work Together For Good..."
A selection encouraging quotes, from Vol. 52

An Ornament of Great Price
Kelsey M. answers, "Why is modesty so important?" and "What has helped me to be modest?", from Vol. 43

A Note on Prayer and Fasting
by Amy Carmichael, submitted by Anna K. for Vol. 61

Another Thought for Food
by Teresa Paul, from Vol. 28

A Passion for God-Honoring Service
by Daniel S., from Vol. 75

A Tribute to Mothers
A collection of quotes and poems, for Vol. 59

A Tribute to Sisters
A collection of special poems, for Vol. 49

Between Your Own Two Feet
by Brittany S., from Vol. 75

Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord...
by Tracy B., from Vol. 23

Dear Dad
a convicting letter, from Vol. 59

Demonstrating Diligence
a selection of inspiring quotes, from Vol. 51 Martin, from Vol. 23

Does God Answer Prayer?
by J. Wheldon Martin, from Vol. 23

Encouragement For Trials
Uplifting thoughts and verses from Lisa F., from Vol. 53

"Every Good Gift..." --A father's testimony of learning patience
by Mr. Robert J. N., from Vol. 46

For the Master's Use
Author Unknown, submitted by Jennifer S. for Vol. 47

Four Poems on Patience
Submitted by readers for Vol. 46

From the Editress -- lessons from the Gettysburg Address
by Abigail M. Paul, from Vol. 37

From the Editress -- "God sees differently than we see"
by Abigail M. Paul, from Vol. 38

Genuine Generosity
A selection of quotes submitted for Vol. 50

Gift-Giving -- Is it always a good idea?
A thought -provoking article by Amanda of VA, for Vol. 50

If It Be Your Will
Two very encouraging poems from/by readers, for Vol. 53

I Only Got Fourteen!
Author Unknown, from Vol. 6

Leading Souls to Christ: some hints and helps
Author Unknown, for Vol. 48

Let's Just Praise the Lord!
Encouraging thoughts and poems on the topic of gratitude to God, for Vol. 57

Living Unselfishly
A compilation of quotes and poems, for Vol. 50

Look On the Fields Ready For Harvest
by Jaclynn R., from Vol. 76

Love Your Enemies
An article by Brandy C., for Vol. 74

Loving God
A compilation of quotes and poems, for Vol. 70

Loving the Unlovable
A collection of thought-provoking quotes, for Vol. 74

Man of Prayer: An Example of Prioritizing
From Alexane R. for inclusion in Vol. 60

Miscellaneous Poems, etc. on Encouragement/Cheerfulness
Submitted for inclusion in Vol. 45

Modest: Properly Restrained By a Sense of Propriety
Kristen K. wrote this article for Vol. 43

More Blessed To Give
Thoughts by Rebekah W., and quotes by other authors, from Volume 71

Never Discouraged
Three short articles, including a powerful analogy, from Vol. 53

Overcoming Fear
A collection of inspiring quotes and poems, from Vol. 62

Poems on diligence
A selection of thematic poems by various authors, from Vol. 51

Poems on Modesty
Here are two poems by a mother, Mrs. Marcia M., from Vol. 43

Pride Vs. Brokenness
Which list of characteristics describes you best?, from Vol. 47

Quotes on Pride and Humility
Many thought-provoking quotes, from Vol. 47

Quotes on the Power of the Tongue
Here is a extensive collection of quotes on the tongue, from Vol. 44

Seeking First Things First
Submitted by Kristen K. for Vol. 60

Short-Term Mission Trips...
by Heidi D., from Vol. 76

Standing for Christ
Encouragement to stand alone for truth, from Vol. 55

The Cold Within -- a challenging poem
Author Unknown, from Vol. 27

The Diligent Life
A selection of inspiring quotes, from Vol. 51

The Gentle Art of Modesty
By Hannah Joy G., from Vol. 43

The Ministry of Love
By Jessica D., from Vol. 71

The Outward Appearance of God's People: Does it Matter?
This hard-hitting article is by Mr. Daniel Botkin, from Vol. 43

The Pride of Dust
An excellent analogy by Jolea J., from Vol. 47

The Privilege of Prayer
An excellent analogy by Jolea J., from Vol. 47

These Inward Trials
An inspiring poem from Nicole S., from Vol. 53

The Timing Zone -- about courtship
By Hannah M. L. H., from Vol. 7

The Treasure That is in You -- saving oneself for marriage
By Naomi P., from Vol. 29

To Be A Servant
Brandy C. wrote this article for Vol. 71

Thoughts on Prayer
Excellent quotes submitted by Kristen K. for Vol. 61

Thoughts on Sibling Relationships
Submitted by readers for Vol. 49

Through Sunshine and Shadows
A selection of poems on dealing with trials, for Vol. 52

Time Out!
by Heather D., from Vol. 24

True Beauty: Without or Within?
An essay by Jolea J., from Vol. 43

Viewing Relationships God's Way
A collection of quotes and short poems, from Vol. 58

Waiting on the Lord
Two articles, by Hannah H. and Hannah P, from Vol. 64

An excellent and challenging poem, from Vol. 64

What is Modesty?
Excerpted from an article by Mr. Charles H. Shofstahl, from Vol. 43

Wise Counsel Answer -- How can I develop new friendships?
Scriptural answers by Jessica P., Emily R., and Sarah G., plus a helpful quote from Emily W., from Vol. 55

Wise Counsel Answer -- Should single girls in their mid-twenties move out of their parents' home?
Two insightful, practical answers by Charity G. and Megan H., from Vol. 54

Wise Counsel Answer -- Is there anything wrong with being "just friends" with someone of the opposite sex?
A helpful, Scriptural answer by Elizabeth B., from Vol. 53

Wise Counsel Answer -- how to demonstrate friendliness to one who doesn't seem to respond
An insightful answer with personal stories by Hannah G., from Vol. 43

Wise Counsel Answer -- advice for girls who want to stay home after highschool
Three answers, from Sarah B., Christina G., and Keslie C.

Worth It All
A very encouraging personal testimony by Katherine N., from Vol. 53

Women's Best Ornament
This article from 1850 has much insight for us today! From Vol. 43

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